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Giant Addons Pack for VU + ver. 6.0

Ссылка на пост #1 Добавлено: 25 февраля 2013 12:01
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Giant Addons Pack for VU + ver. 6.0

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# HD Glass16 Mod
# Giant VFD skin for Ultimo


# New enigmy2 translation into Polish


# GeminiProject3 - Gemini Accessories
# Giant Panel - GAP management
# Glass System Utility - system tools
# TRR Plugin - Accessories
# Paula - programming the remote control
# Shoutcast - Internet radio with recording capability
# DD Subtitle player - download and display dvb subtitling
# Kicker - sports scores, live broadcasts
# 3D Setting - OSD atomatyczne switching 3D/2D mode
# AudioSync - to sync sound, essential during sports events
# CoolTV Guide - extended EPG
# Crossepg - download EPG online
# DMNapi - download and view movies Polish subtitles on AVI, MKV
# Enhanced Movie Center - enhanced management of recorded files
# WebMedia - Smart TV
# MediaPortal unofficial - home entertainment center
# 1Cha * nel
# Cine * TREAM
# ICEF * lm

.. And other feeds available online

Giant Addons Pack (GAP) is a collection of popular accessories for all models VU +, in which the image is installed on the basis of the official 2.1 software openvuplus
It works 100% in multiboot (meoboot). description for VTI 5.1.x installation

First Gap6.0.tar.gz copy file to / tmp and install by VTI Panel - tar.gz installer After installation is complete, restart enigma, you can also use the switch on the back.
Second Important! After restarting enigma perform according to your patch and the image that overwrite the default gap. Without this giant will not function correctly.
Description of the installation for the Black Hole 2.0.x

First Rename the file to gap6.0.bh.tgz gap6.0.tar.gz, copy it to / tmp and install it using the BH Green Panel - bh.tgz installer. After installation is complete, restart enigma, you can also use the switch on the back.
Second Important! After restarting enigma perform according to your patch and the image that overwrite the default gap. Without this giant will not function correctly.
Description of the installation for OpenVuplus 2.1 (official image)

First Charge of the feed connector Software Manager
Second Copy to / dreamexplorer_mips32el.ipk package and install it in / dim plug
3rd Gap6.0.tar.gz copy file to / tmp and install the Dreamexplorer
4th After installation is complete, restart gui, you can also use the switch on the back.
5th Important! After restarting enigma perform according to your patch designed for VTI, which overwrite the default gap. Without this giant will not function correctly.
6th Using the Software Manager supplement the missing packages, which appears in the message browser when you plug


Appropriate patches can be found in the giant panel (menu, plugin)

Softcam for all images can be downloaded and run by Universal Glass Cam Manager - red button (recommended)

Gap automatically sleep all internal and external drives. Sleep Time can be freely adjusted in the settings menu disk.

To change the plugs, use Spinner Spinner Setup (long blue).

Hd install Picons under / media / USB / picon and Picons LCD w / media / USB / piconlcd. Before installing, make sure the drive and flash drive are properly mounted file, otherwise instead of the stick they can find in the flash!

To update the image of the feed (only Black Hole and VTI) is required min. 15 MB of free space in flash (not installed in multiboot).

Gemini feeds are intended only for testing. Before any update image must be removed, otherwise it may be damaged!
[COLOR = "Yellow"]
Available soon ...

Gigant Picons Collection 19E+13°E

Gigant settings 75°E<>45°W

Dreamexplorer for official image

Мой телевизор: Samsung UE40NU7100UXUA

Мой ресивер: Openbox AS4K CI Pro

Мои спутники: 4°W+0.8°W+4.8°E+9°E+13°E+19.2°E, 23.5°E+28.2°E+36°E+42°E, 46°E, 85.2°E


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Італія. Серія А, 33 тур
19 квітня 2024
19:30 Дженоа Дженоа 0:1 ЛаціоЛаціо
Німеччина. Бундесліга, 30 тур
19 квітня 2024
21:30 Айнтрахт Франкфурт Айнтрахт Франкфурт  0:1  АугсбургАугсбург
Італія. Серія А, 33 тур
19 квітня 2024
21:45 Кальярі Кальярі  0:0  ЮвентусЮвентус
Іспанія. Ла Ліга, 32 тур
19 квітня 2024
22:00 Атлетік Атлетік  0:0  ГранадаГранада
Франція. Ліга 1, 30 тур
19 квітня 2024
22:00 Ніцца Ніцца  0:0  ЛорьянЛорьян

Обновлено: 22:36 19.04.2024


22:00 - "Слепая". Русалочка.
22:30 - "Слепая". Приворотное снадобье.
23:00 - Д/ф "В поисках Ники".
00:40 - Х/ф "Возвращение к себе", 1-4 с.
Sport 1
20:30 -  Футбол. Чемпионат Австрии. Бундеслига. Штурм - Рапид Вена. Прямая трансляция.
22:30 - Гандбол. Кубок Германии. Финал Четырех. Финал. Магдебург - Мельзунген.
00:00 - Гандбол. Чемпионат Германии. Бундеслига. Фленсбург-Хандевитт - Магдебург.
01:30 - Хоккей. Чемпионат Швейцарии. Национальная лига. Финал. Лозанна - Цюрих. Матч 2.
22:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
23:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
00:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
00:20 - "Ночной дозор".
22:00 - Х/ф "Взломщик".
23:30 - Х/ф "Они сделали нас такими".
01:10 - Х/ф "Мое преступление".
03:25 - Х/ф "Либерея: Охотники за сокровищами".
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