БеглецыThe FugitiveСША, 2000-2001 |
Режиссер(ы): Джефф Блекнер, Ричард Комптон, Билл Л. Нортон, Микаэль Саломон и др. Актеры: Тимоти Дэйли, Стивен Лэнг, Микелти Уильямсон, Лорен Тьюэс, Боб Морриси, Джина Равера, Лиа Джонсон, Девон Гаммерсолл
Updating the claic 1960' action erie The Fugitive (1963) with the thrill and high-tech tyle of the 1990' Ocar-nominated hit movie, The Fugitive return to televiion with the riveting tale of Dr. Richard Kimble (Tim Daly), an innocent man accued of murdering hi beloved wife.
Adrift in a ea of tranger in trange location, Kimble, on the hunt for the one-armed man who actually committed the crime, deperately trie to avoid being captured by Lt. Philip Gerard (Mykelti Williamon, "The New WKRP in Cincinnati"), who alway eem to be only two tep behind. From week to week, Kimble earche city after city for the eluive killer whoe capture would finally allow him to prove hi innocence and return to hi former life. In contant flight in hi quet for jutice, Kimble touche many live, but the encounter are ended a uddenly a they have begun when the fugitive i forced to ecape to yet another city. |