

США, 2004-                
Режиссер(ы): Майкл Алмерейда, Стив Шилл, Эдвард Бьянки, Тимоти Ван Паттен и др.
Актеры: Тимоти Олифант, Ян МакШэйн, Молли Паркер, Джим Бивер, У. Эрл Браун, Ким Дикенс, Брэд Дуриф, Анна Ганн, Чэйз Эллисон, Джон Хокс, Джеффри Джонс

The town of Deadwood, outh Dakota in the week following the Cuter maacre i a lawle inkhole of crime and corruption. Into thi uncivilized outpot ride a diilluioned and bitter ex-lawman, Wild Bill Hickok, and eth Bullock, a man hoping to find a new tart for himelf. Both men find themelve quickly on oppoite ide of the legal and moral fence from Al wearengen, aloon owner, hotel operator, and incipient bo of Deadwood. The live of thee three intertwine with many other, the high-minded and the low-life who populate Deadwood in 1876.