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Wiki formatting


Redmine links

Redmine allows hyperlinking between resources (issues, changesets, wiki pages...) from anywhere wiki formatting is used.

  • Link to an issue: #124 (displays #124, link is striked-through if the issue is closed)
  • Link to an issue note: #124-6, or #124#note-6

Wiki links:

  • [[Guide]] displays a link to the page named 'Guide': Guide
  • [[Guide#further-reading]] takes you to the anchor "further-reading". Headings get automatically assigned anchors so that you can refer to them: Guide
  • [[Guide|User manual]] displays a link to the same page but with a different text: User manual

You can also link to pages of an other project wiki:

  • [[sandbox:some page]] displays a link to the page named 'Some page' of the Sandbox wiki
  • [[sandbox:]] displays a link to the Sandbox wiki main page

Wiki links are displayed in red if the page doesn't exist yet, eg: Nonexistent page.

Links to other resources:

  • Documents:
    • document#17 (link to document with id 17)
    • document:Greetings (link to the document with title "Greetings")
    • document:"Some document" (double quotes can be used when document title contains spaces)
    • sandbox:document:"Some document" (link to a document with title "Some document" in other project "sandbox")
  • Versions:
    • version#3 (link to version with id 3)
    • version:1.0.0 (link to version named "1.0.0")
    • version:"1.0 beta 2"
    • sandbox:version:1.0.0 (link to version "1.0.0" in the project "sandbox")
  • Attachments:
    • attachment:file.zip (link to the attachment of the current object named file.zip)
    • For now, attachments of the current object can be referenced only (if you're on an issue, it's possible to reference attachments of this issue only)
  • Changesets:
    • r758 (link to a changeset)
    • commit:c6f4d0fd (link to a changeset with a non-numeric hash)
    • svn1|r758 (link to a changeset of a specific repository, for projects with multiple repositories)
    • commit:hg|c6f4d0fd (link to a changeset with a non-numeric hash of a specific repository)
    • sandbox:r758 (link to a changeset of another project)
    • sandbox:commit:c6f4d0fd (link to a changeset with a non-numeric hash of another project)
  • Repository files:
    • source:some/file (link to the file located at /some/file in the project's repository)
    • source:some/file@52 (link to the file's revision 52)
    • source:some/file#L120 (link to line 120 of the file)
    • source:some/file@52#L120 (link to line 120 of the file's revision 52)
    • source:"some file@52#L120" (use double quotes when the URL contains spaces
    • export:some/file (force the download of the file)
    • source:svn1|some/file (link to a file of a specific repository, for projects with multiple repositories)
    • sandbox:source:some/file (link to the file located at /some/file in the repository of the project "sandbox")
    • sandbox:export:some/file (force the download of the file)
  • Forum messages:
    • message#1218 (link to message with id 1218)
  • Projects:
    • project#3 (link to project with id 3)
    • project:someproject (link to project named "someproject")


  • You can prevent Redmine links from being parsed by preceding them with an exclamation mark: !

External links

HTTP URLs and email addresses are automatically turned into clickable links:

https://www.redmine.org, [email protected]

displays: https://www.redmine.org,

If you want to display a specific text instead of the URL, you can use the standard textile syntax:

"Redmine web site":https://www.redmine.org

displays: Redmine web site

Text formatting

For things such as headlines, bold, tables, lists, Redmine supports Textile syntax. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textile_(markup_language) for information on using any of these features. A few samples are included below, but the engine is capable of much more of that.

Font style

* *bold*
* _italic_
* _*bold italic*_
* +underline+
* -strike-through-


  • bold
  • italic
  • *bold italic*
  • underline
  • strike-through

Inline images

  • !image_url! displays an image located at image_url (textile syntax)
  • !>image_url! right floating image
  • If you have an image attached to your wiki page, it can be displayed inline using its filename: !attached_image.png!


h1. Heading
h2. Subheading
h3. Subsubheading

Redmine assigns an anchor to each of those headings thus you can link to them with "#Heading", "#Subheading" and so forth.


p>. right aligned
p=. centered

This is a centered paragraph.


Start the paragraph with bq.

bq. Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern.
To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.


Rails is a full-stack framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern.
To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server.

Table of content

{{toc}} => left aligned toc
{{>toc}} => right aligned toc


Redmine has the following builtin macros:


Sample macro.


Include a wiki page. Example:


Displays a list of all available macros, including description if available.

Code highlighting

Default code highlightment relies on CodeRay, a fast syntax highlighting library written completely in Ruby. It currently supports c, cpp, css, delphi, groovy, html, java, javascript, json, php, python, rhtml, ruby, scheme, sql, xml and yaml languages.

You can highlight code in your wiki page using this syntax:

<pre><code class="ruby">
  Place you code here.


    XML error in File: https://www.tricolor.tv/rss/

    XML error: EndTag: '


Італія. Серія А, 36 тур
13 травня 2024
19:30 Лечче Лечче  0:1  УдінезеУдінезе
21:45 Фіорентина Фіорентина -:- МонцаМонца
Іспанія. Ла Ліга, 35 тур
13 травня 2024
22:00 Барселона Барселона -:- Реал СосьєдадРеал Сосьєдад
Англія. Прем'єр-ліга, 37-й тур
13 травня 2024
22:00 Астон Вілла Астон Вілла -:- ЛіверпульЛіверпуль

Обновлено: 21:07 13.05.2024


07:00 - Т/с "Агенты справедливости", 7 сезон, 65 с. "Семейка Адаменко".
08:00 - Т/с "Агенты справедливости", 7 сезон, 66 с. "Кровавая инсталляция".
08:55 - Т/с "Агенты справедливости", 7 сезон, 67 с. "Обеденный перерыв".
09:50 - Т/с "Агенты справедливости", 7 сезон, 68 с. "Наручники для ангелов".
Sport 1
07:10 - Футбол. Кубок Португалии. 1/4 финала. Жил Висенте - Спортинг.
09:00 - Баскетбол. NBL Slam.
09:30 - Баскетбол. NBL Overtime.
10:30 -  Баскетбол. Чемпионат Австралии. НБЛ. 1/2 финала. Иллаварра Хоукс - Феникс. Первый матч. Прямая трансляция.
07:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
08:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
09:00 - Общенациональная минута молчания.
09:01 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
07:50 - Х/ф "Немая ярость".
09:35 - Х/ф "Ненасытные люди".
11:25 - Х/ф "Сплит. Звезда на грани".
13:05 - Х/ф "Криминальный город: Возмездие".
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Re: Безкоштовний плейлист IPTV

Фильмы. https://dl.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bw7z4imum7qsmm3bjbzv3/Filymi.m3u?rlkey=x0x3wg2myhd7...

Re: Ремонт сатинтеграл 1228

Цитата: haholik от Вчера в 21:00:02не пожидься, сразу купи колодку под DIP 8 - облегчит жизнь при ...

Re: Ремонт сатинтеграл 1228

не пожидься, сразу купи колодку под DIP 8 - облегчит жизнь при проверке ШИМ-ки.

Re: Безкоштовний плейлист IPTV

Спорт. https://dl.dropbox.com/scl/fi/thsjb093g6wkqdnpjdc82/Sport.m3u?rlkey=cixvxk8337i11u2h6v...

Re: Вопросы новичков

Цитата: саторг от Вчера в 17:14:43В принципі, якщо програмно, то тільки наявністю чи відсутністю ...

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