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 Время:  07:32

Телеканал Food Network Европа | Телепрограмма на сегодня

05:25 - Chopped (Series 41): Bacon, Burgers and Beer! (Episode 11).
06:10 - Chopped (Series 41): Tendon Loving Care (Episode 12).
07:00 - The Kitchen (Series 9): Spring Spread (Episode 3).
07:45 - Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations (Series 5): Dubrovnik (Episode 13).
08:10 - Baker's Dozen (Series 1): Colors, Shapes and Textures (Episode 5).
08:55 - Beat Bobby Flay (Series 35): Bring On The Brits! (Episode 2).
09:17 - Beat Bobby Flay (Series 35): Dance, Dance, Revolution (Episode 3).
09:40 - Farmhouse Rules (Series 6): Breakfast for Dinner (Episode 11).
10:02 - Farmhouse Rules (Series 6): Putt Putt with The Papas (Episode 12).
10:25 - Restaurant: Impossible (Series 20): A Mother's Guilt (Episode 14).
11:10 - Chopped Junior (Series 7): Champions: Part 4 (Episode 5).
11:55 - Girl Meets Farm (Series 14): The Year of The Dragon (Episode 6).
12:17 - Girl Meets Farm (Series 14): Farm To Tractor (Episode 7).
12:40 - Alex vs America (Series 4): Alex vs Frozen Desserts (Episode 2).
13:25 - Chopped (Series 50): Chef's Best Friend (Episode 4).
14:10 - Chopped Sweets (Series 1): Desserts On A Dime (Episode 9).
14:55 - Kids Baking Championship (Series 8): Llama Drama (Episode 4).
15:40 - The Pioneer Woman (Series 28): Social Sensations (Episode 6).
16:02 - The Pioneer Woman (Series 28): From The Freezer (Episode 7).
16:25 - Beat Bobby Flay (Series 23): The Lady Butchers (Episode 13).
16:47 - Beat Bobby Flay (Series 24): Guess Who's Back? (Episode 1).
17:10 - Girl Meets Farm (Series 14): Spiced-Up Date Night (Episode 5).
17:35 - Girl Meets Farm (Series 14): The Year of The Dragon (Episode 6).
18:00 - Rachel Khoo's Simple Pleasures (Series 1): Timeless Favourites (Episode 7).
18:25 - Rachel Khoo's Simple Pleasures (Series 1): Home Comforts (Episode 8).
18:50 - Chopped (Series 52): Pie in The Sky (Episode 1).
19:40 - Restaurant: Impossible (Series 20): A Mother's Guilt (Episode 14).
20:25 - Chopped Junior (Series 7): Champions: Part 4 (Episode 5).
21:10 - Girl Meets Farm (Series 14): The Year of The Dragon (Episode 6).
21:32 - Girl Meets Farm (Series 14): Farm To Tractor (Episode 7).
21:55 - Alex vs America (Series 4): Alex vs Frozen Desserts (Episode 2).
22:40 - Kids Baking Championship (Series 8): Llama Drama (Episode 4).
23:25 - The Pioneer Woman (Series 28): Social Sensations (Episode 6).
23:47 - The Pioneer Woman (Series 28): From The Freezer (Episode 7).
00:10 - Beat Bobby Flay (Series 23): The Lady Butchers (Episode 13).
00:32 - Beat Bobby Flay (Series 24): Guess Who's Back? (Episode 1).
00:55 - Chopped (Series 52): Pie in The Sky (Episode 1).
01:40 - The Kitchen (Series 9): Spring Spread (Episode 3).
02:25 - Baker's Dozen (Series 1): Colors, Shapes and Textures (Episode 5).
03:10 - Beat Bobby Flay (Series 35): Bring On The Brits! (Episode 2).
03:32 - Beat Bobby Flay (Series 35): Dance, Dance, Revolution (Episode 3).
03:55 - Farmhouse Rules (Series 6): Breakfast for Dinner (Episode 11).
04:17 - Farmhouse Rules (Series 6): Putt Putt with The Papas (Episode 12).
04:40 - Chopped (Series 41): Frying Times (Episode 13).

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Італія. Серія А, 36 тур
13 травня 2024
19:30 Лечче Лечче  0:1  УдінезеУдінезе
21:45 Фіорентина Фіорентина -:- МонцаМонца
Іспанія. Ла Ліга, 35 тур
13 травня 2024
22:00 Барселона Барселона -:- Реал СосьєдадРеал Сосьєдад
Англія. Прем'єр-ліга, 37-й тур
13 травня 2024
22:00 Астон Вілла Астон Вілла -:- ЛіверпульЛіверпуль

Обновлено: 21:07 13.05.2024


07:05 - "История одного преступления", 3 сезон, 28 эп. "Звёздная пыль".
08:05 - Т/с "Дежурный врач", 2 сезон, 12 с.
09:05 - Т/с "Дежурный врач", 2 сезон, 13 с.
10:00 - "История одного преступления", 3 сезон, 41 эп. "Убийство с блеском".
Sport 1
07:00 - Футбол. Лига чемпионов Азии. 1/8 финала. Кванджу (Южная Корея) - Виссел Кобе (Япония). Ответный матч.
09:00 - Парусный спорт. Vendee Globe в Ле-Сабль-д'Олон, Франция. Обзор.
10:00 -  Футбол. Вторая Лига чемпионов Азии. 1/4 финала. Сидней (Австралия) - Чонбук Хёндэ Моторс (Южная Корея). Ответный матч. Прямая трансляция.
12:10 - Автоспорт. Going Pro.


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