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Телеканал Al Jazeera International | Телепрограмма на сегодня

Al Jazeera International


05:00 - News Live.
05:30 - Boycott. Part Two - In Court.
06:00 - News Live.
06:30 - The Listening Post: Israel's Genocide Is Expanding Into the West Bank.
07:00 - News Live.
07:30 - Inside Story.
08:00 - News Live.
08:30 - People & Power: Kosovo - The Making of A State. Part 2.
09:00 - Newshour.
10:00 - News Live.
10:30 - All Hail The Planet: Reaping What We Sow.
11:00 - News Live.
11:30 - Talk to Al Jazeera: Tom Fletcher.
12:00 - Newshour.
13:00 - News Live.
13:30 - Inside Story.
14:00 - Head to Head: Kimani Ichung'wah.
15:00 - Newshour.
16:00 - News Live.
16:30 - The Listening Post: Israel's Genocide Is Expanding Into the West Bank.
17:00 - Newshour.
18:00 - News Live.
18:30 - Counting the Cost.
19:00 - News Live.
19:30 - Inside Story.
20:00 - Newshour.
21:00 - News Live.
21:30 - The Stream: Spatial Injustice - Where You Live Matters.
22:00 - News Live.
22:30 - Inside Story.
23:00 - Newshour.
00:00 - News Live.
00:30 - Witness: Little Universe.
01:00 - News Live.
01:30 - 101 East: China's Unemployed Youth.
02:00 - News Live.
02:30 - Inside Story.
03:00 - Witness: Ininnawa: An Island Calling.
04:00 - News Live.
04:30 - Talk to Al Jazeera: Tom Fletcher.


05:00 - News Live.
05:30 - All Hail The Planet: Reaping What We Sow.
06:00 - News Live.
06:30 - The Stream: Spatial Injustice - Where You Live Matters.
07:00 - News Live.
07:30 - Inside Story.
08:00 - News Live.
08:30 - The Fans Who Make Football: Raja Casablanca AC.
09:00 - Newshour.
10:00 - News Live.
10:30 - Witness: Little Universe.
11:00 - News Live.
11:30 - The Listening Post: Israel's Genocide Is Expanding Into the West Bank.
12:00 - Newshour.
13:00 - News Live.
13:30 - Inside Story.
14:00 - Al Jazeera World: Caesar Unmasked.
15:00 - Newshour.
16:00 - News Live.
16:30 - The Stream: Spatial Injustice - Where You Live Matters.
17:00 - Newshour.
18:00 - News Live.
18:30 - Boycott. Part Two - In Court.
19:00 - News Live.
19:30 - Inside Story.
20:00 - Newshour.
21:00 - News Live.
21:30 - The Bottom Line: Has the U. S. Turned Its Back on Europe?
22:00 - News Live.
22:30 - Inside Story.
23:00 - Newshour.
00:00 - News Live.
00:30 - Flatten The Curve. Ep. 1.
01:00 - News Live.
01:30 - Counting the Cost.
02:00 - News Live.
02:30 - Inside Story.
03:00 - Head to Head: Kimani Ichung'wah.
04:00 - News Live.
04:30 - The Listening Post: Israel's Genocide Is Expanding Into the West Bank.


05:00 - News Live.
05:30 - Witness: Little Universe.
06:00 - News Live.
06:30 - 101 East: China's Unemployed Youth.
07:00 - News Live.
07:30 - Inside Story.
08:00 - News Live.
08:30 - Counting the Cost.
09:00 - Newshour.
10:00 - News Live.
10:30 - Flatten The Curve. Ep. 1.
11:00 - News Live.
11:30 - The Stream: Spatial Injustice - Where You Live Matters.
12:00 - Newshour.
13:00 - News Live.
13:30 - Inside Story.
14:00 - Witness: Paper City.
15:00 - Newshour.
16:00 - News Live.
16:30 - Talk to Al Jazeera: Tom Fletcher.
17:00 - Newshour.
18:00 - News Live.
18:30 - All Hail The Planet: Reaping What We Sow.
19:00 - News Live.
19:30 - Inside Story.
20:00 - Newshour.
21:00 - News Live.
21:30 - The Fans Who Make Football: Raja Casablanca AC.
22:00 - News Live.
22:30 - Inside Story.
23:00 - Newshour.
00:00 - News Live.
00:30 - People & Power: Argentina - Football for The People.
01:00 - News Live.
01:30 - Boycott. Part Two - In Court.
02:00 - News Live.
02:30 - Inside Story.
03:00 - Al Jazeera World: Caesar Unmasked.
04:00 - News Live.
04:30 - The Stream: Spatial Injustice - Where You Live Matters.


05:00 - News Live.
05:30 - Flatten The Curve. Ep. 1.
06:00 - News Live.
06:30 - All Hail The Planet: Reaping What We Sow.
07:00 - News Live.
07:30 - Inside Story.
08:00 - News Live.
08:30 - Boycott. Part Two - In Court.
09:00 - Newshour.
10:00 - News Live.
10:30 - People & Power: Argentina - Football for The People.
11:00 - News Live.
11:30 - The Bottom Line: Has the U. S. Turned Its Back on Europe?
12:00 - Newshour.
13:00 - News Live.
13:30 - Inside Story.
14:00 - Head to Head: Ranil Wickremesinghe.
15:00 - Newshour.
16:00 - News Live.
16:30 - The Listening Post: Israel's Genocide Is Expanding Into the West Bank.
17:00 - Newshour.
18:00 - News Live.
18:30 - Witness: Little Universe.
19:00 - News Live.
19:30 - Inside Story.
20:00 - Newshour.
21:00 - News Live.
21:30 - The Stream: Gen Z's Aging Anxiety.
22:00 - News Live.
22:30 - Inside Story.
23:00 - Newshour.
00:00 - News Live.
00:30 - A Sense of Community: Iztapalapa, Mexico.
01:00 - News Live.
01:30 - All Hail The Planet: Reaping What We Sow.
02:00 - News Live.
02:30 - Inside Story.
03:00 - Witness: Paper City.
04:00 - News Live.
04:30 - Flatten The Curve. Ep. 1.


05:00 - News Live.
05:30 - People & Power: Argentina - Football for The People.
06:00 - News Live.
06:30 - The Stream: Gen Z's Aging Anxiety.
07:00 - News Live.
07:30 - Inside Story.
08:00 - News Live.
08:30 - All Hail The Planet: Reaping What We Sow.
09:00 - Newshour.
10:00 - News Live.
10:30 - A Sense of Community: Iztapalapa, Mexico.
11:00 - News Live.
11:30 - Witness: Little Universe.
12:00 - Newshour.
13:00 - News Live.
13:30 - Inside Story.
14:00 - The Bottom Line.
14:30 - The Fans Who Make Football: Boca Juniors FC.
15:00 - Newshour.
16:00 - News Live.
16:30 - The Stream: Gen Z's Aging Anxiety.
17:00 - Newshour.
18:00 - News Live.
18:30 - Flatten The Curve. Ep. 1.
19:00 - News Live.
19:30 - Inside Story.
20:00 - Newshour.
21:00 - News Live.
21:30 - UpFront.
22:00 - News Live.
22:30 - Inside Story.
23:00 - Newshour.
00:00 - News Live.
00:30 - Counting the Cost.
01:00 - News Live.
01:30 - Witness: Little Universe.
02:00 - News Live.
02:30 - Inside Story.
03:00 - Head to Head: Ranil Wickremesinghe.
04:00 - News Live.
04:30 - People & Power: Argentina - Football for The People.


05:00 - News Live.
05:30 - A Sense of Community: Iztapalapa, Mexico.
06:00 - News Live.
06:30 - UpFront.
07:00 - News Live.
07:30 - Inside Story.
08:00 - News Live.
08:30 - The Bottom Line.
09:00 - Newshour.
10:00 - News Live.
10:30 - Counting the Cost.
11:00 - News Live.
11:30 - The Stream: Gen Z's Aging Anxiety.
12:00 - Newshour.
13:00 - News Live.
13:30 - Inside Story.
14:00 - Al Jazeera World: Caesar Unmasked.
15:00 - Newshour.
16:00 - News Live.
16:30 - UpFront.
17:00 - Newshour.
18:00 - News Live.
18:30 - People & Power: Argentina - Football for The People.
19:00 - News Live.
19:30 - Inside Story.
20:00 - Newshour.
21:00 - News Live.
21:30 - Talk to Al Jazeera.
22:00 - News Live.
22:30 - Inside Story.
23:00 - Newshour.
00:00 - News Live.
00:30 - Boycott: Parth Three - The Template.
01:00 - News Live.
01:30 - Flatten The Curve. Ep. 1.
02:00 - News Live.
02:30 - Inside Story.
03:00 - The Bottom Line.
03:30 - The Fans Who Make Football: Boca Juniors FC.
04:00 - News Live.
04:30 - The Stream: Gen Z's Aging Anxiety.


05:00 - News Live.
05:30 - Counting the Cost.
06:00 - News Live.
06:30 - Talk to Al Jazeera.
07:00 - News Live.
07:30 - Inside Story.
08:00 - News Live.
08:30 - Flatten The Curve. Ep. 1.
09:00 - Newshour.
10:00 - News Live.
10:30 - Boycott: Parth Three - The Template.
11:00 - News Live.
11:30 - UpFront.
12:00 - Newshour.
13:00 - News Live.
13:30 - Inside Story.
14:00 - Witness: Paper City.
15:00 - Newshour.
16:00 - News Live.
16:30 - Talk to Al Jazeera.
17:00 - Newshour.
18:00 - News Live.
18:30 - A Sense of Community: Iztapalapa, Mexico.
19:00 - News Live.
19:30 - Inside Story.
20:00 - Newshour.
21:00 - News Live.
21:30 - The Listening Post.
22:00 - News Live.
22:30 - Inside Story.
23:00 - Newshour.
00:00 - News Live.
00:30 - All Hail The Planet: We Are Part of Nature, Not Apart From It.
01:00 - News Live.
01:30 - People & Power: Argentina - Football for The People.
02:00 - News Live.
02:30 - Inside Story.
03:00 - Al Jazeera World: Caesar Unmasked.
04:00 - News Live.
04:30 - UpFront.

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Італія. Серія А, 36 тур
13 травня 2024
19:30 Лечче Лечче  0:1  УдінезеУдінезе
21:45 Фіорентина Фіорентина -:- МонцаМонца
Іспанія. Ла Ліга, 35 тур
13 травня 2024
22:00 Барселона Барселона -:- Реал СосьєдадРеал Сосьєдад
Англія. Прем'єр-ліга, 37-й тур
13 травня 2024
22:00 Астон Вілла Астон Вілла -:- ЛіверпульЛіверпуль

Обновлено: 21:07 13.05.2024


15:40 - "Супермама", 9 сезон, 1 эп. "Воспитывает дочь, а трех сыновей отдавала бывшим мужьям".
16:45 - "Супермама", 9 сезон, 2 эп. "Угрожала любовнице мужа, чтобы вернуть его в семью".
17:50 - "Супермама", 9 сезон, 3 эп. "Продавала биоматериал, чтобы оплатить отопление и купить двери".
18:55 - "Супермама", 9 сезон, 4 эп. "Ухаживала за тремя детьми и мужем с инвалидностью".
Sport 1
15:30 - Баскетбол. Чемпионат Австралии. НБЛ. Финал. Иллаварра Хоукс - Мельбурн Юнайтед. Матч 1.
17:30 - Велоспорт. Muscat Classic в Омане. Обзор.
18:00 -  Футбол. Чемпионат Австрии. Бундеслига. Грацер - Штурм. Прямая трансляция.
20:00 -  Баскетбол. Чемпионат Франции. ЛНБ. Монако - Париж. Прямая трансляция.
16:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
17:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
18:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
19:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
15:05 - Х/ф "Тополиный пух".
16:35 - Х/ф "Синдром".
18:00 - Х/ф "Постучись в мою Тверь".
19:30 - Х/ф "Криминальный город: Возмездие".
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