Каталог товаров Видео к Tanix TX2 - R2

Видео к Tanix TX2 - R2

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Tanix TV box comes with chipset Rockchip RK3229 and penta-core GPU processor. It will provide you a smooth experience when watching videos or playing games.
It is a perfect device for providing 4K ultimate HD video, and get you closer to the real clear world.
On the other hand, Tanix is also the best choice for your family entertainment, you can have your family members play games or watch TV shows together.
Tanix is more than a TV box, it will give you a wonderful and enjoyable time.

Main features:
- Advanced operation system
Adopt the fast and powerful Android 6.0 operation system. The Android 6.0 has a better compatibility of software, games and application programs. Rapid, stable configuration coupled with the highly Android 6.0. Say goodbye to the system freezing and buffering.

- Powerful processor
Equipped with RK3229 quad-core CPU which is advanced in image processing and computing. Its high machine configuration gives you ultra-fast running speed and smooth image processing performance. With the HDMI 2.0 data output, it makes sure you can enjoy 4K x 2K even 3D HD movies.

- Easy and convenient to use
Support multiple connections such as Ethernet 10 / 100M, standard RJ45, Bluetooth 2.0 and 2.4GHz WiFi. It is very easy to install, as soon as you plug in the power supply and connect the box to your WiFi or else way, you can watch whatever you like. Users can surf the Internet with browsers and have a communication with the world through kinds of APPs, like YouTube, Skype video call, MSN, facebook, also the hot films and TV shows can be searched at any time.

- Practical multi-media player
A practical home streaming media player, feel free to enjoy all your favorite movies, sports shows, and entertainment programs. And you can also save the games, movies and TV shows you like, just take advantage of the 16GB storage. Tanix supports Miracast, Airplay, DLNA, share more with your family and friends.
Добавил: maxya
Просмотров: 10683

Видео материалы к Tanix TX2 - R2

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14:35 -  Шорт-трек. Чемпионат Европы в Дрездене, Германия. День 1. Прямая трансляция.
18:30 - Автоспорт. Fastzone. Обзор.
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