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 Время:  05:15

Телеканал DW English | Телепрограмма на сегодня

05:00 - DW News.
05:15 - Best of DW-online Content.
05:30 - Close up. The Current Affairs Documentary.
06:00 - DW News.
06:15 - DocFilm. The "Caesar" Files - Seeking Justice for Syria's Victims of Torture - Part 2.
07:00 - DW News.
07:02 - The Day. News in Review.
07:30 - Eco India. How can we improve life in our cities?
08:00 - DW News.
08:15 - Best of DW-online Content.
08:30 - Arts Unveiled. How Indian Fashion Inspires the World, Part 1.
09:00 - DW News.
09:30 - DocFilm. Madam Chutney and the Taste of Freedom.
10:00 - DW News.
10:30 - Eco Africa. Quick wins for a better environment.
11:00 - DW News.
11:15 - Close up. The Current Affairs Documentary.
11:45 - Reporter. On Location.
12:00 - DW News.
12:30 - Tomorrow Today. The Science Magazine.
13:00 - DW News.
13:30 - In Good Shape. How sleep is affected by daily life.
14:00 - DW News.
14:15 - Close up. The Current Affairs Documentary.
14:45 - Shift. AI and its impact on the environment.
15:00 - DW News.
15:15 - Best of DW-online Content.
15:30 - Eco India. How can we improve life in our cities?
16:00 - DW News.
16:30 - Global Us. Algae - Superfood, staple and delicacy.
17:00 - DW News.
17:30 - Eco Africa. Quick wins for a better environment.
18:00 - DW News.
18:15 - Close up. The Current Affairs Documentary.
18:45 - Reporter. On Location.
19:00 - DW News.
19:15 - Best of DW-online Content.
19:30 - REV. Why the Yugo is more than just the "worst car in the world".
20:00 - DW News.
20:30 - Eco Africa. Quick wins for a better environment.
21:00 - DW News.
21:02 - Eco India. How can we improve life in our cities?
21:30 - Tomorrow Today. The Science Magazine.
22:00 - DW News.
22:30 - The Day. News in Review.
23:00 - DW News.
23:02 - Best of DW-online Content.
23:15 - Close up. The Current Affairs Documentary.
23:45 - Shift. AI and its impact on the environment.
00:00 - DW News.
00:02 - The Day. News in Review.
00:30 - The 77 Percent. The Return.
01:00 - DW News.
01:15 - Best of DW-online Content.
01:30 - Global Us. Algae - Superfood, staple and delicacy.
02:00 - DW News.
02:02 - The Day. News in Review.
02:30 - Made in Germany. Your Business Magazine.
03:00 - DW News.
03:15 - DocFilm. Gym Boys - Why Young Men Pump Iron.
04:00 - DW News.
04:02 - The Day. News in Review.
04:30 - Global Us. Algae - Superfood, staple and delicacy.

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Італія. Серія А, 36 тур
13 травня 2024
19:30 Лечче Лечче  0:1  УдінезеУдінезе
21:45 Фіорентина Фіорентина -:- МонцаМонца
Іспанія. Ла Ліга, 35 тур
13 травня 2024
22:00 Барселона Барселона -:- Реал СосьєдадРеал Сосьєдад
Англія. Прем'єр-ліга, 37-й тур
13 травня 2024
22:00 Астон Вілла Астон Вілла -:- ЛіверпульЛіверпуль

Обновлено: 21:07 13.05.2024


05:05 - "История одного преступления", 1 сезон, 19 эп. "Амнезия".
05:40 - "История одного преступления", 1 сезон, 20 эп. "Жемчужный маньяк".
06:25 - Т/с "Доктор Ковальчук", 2 сезон, 15 с.
07:25 - Т/с "Доктор Ковальчук", 2 сезон, 16 с.
Sport 1
06:00 - Гандбол. Чемпионат мира 2025. Мужчины. Испания - Португалия.
07:30 - Баскетбол. Чемпионат Испании. АБК Лига. Мурсия - Барселона.
09:30 - Футбол. Чемпионат Австрии. Бундеслига. Ред Булл Зальцбург - Рапид Вена.
05:00 - "Единые. Главное". Итоговые новости.
06:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
07:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
08:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
05:25 - Х/ф "Игра киллеров".
07:00 - Х/ф "Злые соседи".
08:30 - Х/ф "Сама любовь".
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