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Телеканал GINX Esports TV | Телепрограмма на сегодня

05:30 - The Archive: 2014.
06:00 - First Impressions: Cities Skylines 2.
06:15 - First Impressions: Age of Wonders 4.
06:30 - Origins: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
07:00 - GINX Docs: What Chris Metzen's Return Means for Warcraft.
07:15 - GINX Docs: The (Weird) History of Football Manager Games.
07:30 - The Archive: 2007.
08:00 - GINX Docs: The Hidden Links in Final Fantasy.
08:15 - GINX Docs: The Evolution of Game-to-Screen Adaptations.
08:30 - Top 10: Star Wars Villains.
08:45 - Top 10: Games Kids & Adults Will Enjoy.
09:00 - Shut Up & Play!: Helldivers 2.
10:30 - Let's Go Viral: Joz Norris.
11:00 - Shut Up & Play!: Dragon's Dogma 2.
12:30 - The Archive: 2005.
13:00 - First Impressions: Steamworld Build.
13:15 - First Impressions: Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader Playtest.
13:30 - GINX Docs: Valve's Graveyard.
13:45 - GINX Docs: The Dead Space Remake: A Second Chance?
14:00 - Shut Up & Play!: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy.
15:30 - Let's Go Viral: Count Binface.
16:00 - The Games That Made Me: Kate Dale.
17:00 - Connector Compressed: ImaChet.
17:30 - GINX Docs: Is Forever Skies Early Access worth it?
17:45 - GINX Docs: Is Fall of Avalon Early Access worth it?
18:00 - Shut Up & Play!: Minecraft.
19:30 - GINX Docs: Why You Should Play Alpha Centauri in 2023.
19:45 - GINX Docs: Return to Moria: The Bold Future of Lord of the Rings Games.
20:00 - The Archive: 1985.
20:30 - GINX Docs: The Rise of the Gaming Oligopolies: Part 1.
20:45 - GINX Docs: The Rise of the Gaming Oligopolies: Part 2.
21:00 - The Games That Made Me: Ben Starr.
22:00 - Icons: Simple: The Prodigy.
22:15 - Icons: Serral: The Night King.
22:30 - Origins: Halo 1-3.
23:00 - The Archive: 2000.
23:30 - First Impressions: Age of Wonders 4.
23:45 - GINX Docs: Potential characters in Hades 2.
00:00 - Origins: Half-Life.
00:30 - GINX Docs: Why Jedi: Fallen Order is the most important modern Star Wars game.
00:45 - Top 10: Sequels that ruined a franchise.
01:00 - Connector Compressed: JustHarry.
01:30 - GINX Docs: Is Forever Skies Early Access worth it?
01:45 - GINX Docs: Is Fall of Avalon Early Access worth it?
02:00 - The Games That Made Me: Kieran Franklyn.
03:00 - Shut Up & Play!
04:30 - The Archive: 2007.

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Ліга чемпіонів, 1/2 фіналу
07 травня 2024
22:00 ПСЖ ПСЖ -:- Боруссія ДортмундБоруссія Дортмунд

Обновлено: 02:11 07.05.2024


01:40 - Т/с "Агенты справедливости", 5 сезон, 44 с.
02:30 - Т/с "След". "Причудливый портрет".
03:10 - "В поисках истины". "Миледи: Черная графиня Крыма".
03:30 - Т/с "След". "Дважды убит".
Sport 1
00:00 - Футбол. Лига чемпионов Азии. 1/2 финала. Йокогама Ф. Маринос (Япония) - Ульсан Хёндэ (Южная Корея). Ответный матч.
03:00 - Хоккей. Чемпионат Швейцарии. Национальная лига. Финал. Цюрих - Лозанна. Матч 7.
01:00 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
02:00 - "Топ-5 фейков".
02:20 - "Единые новости". Телемарафон.
03:30 - "Факты недели".
01:55 - Х/ф "Черный шум".
03:25 - Х/ф "Криминальный город 2".
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